Thursday, March 18, 2010

On the Bucket List

After reading this article, via Metrocurean blog, I immediately imagined the Birthday dinner scene from the movie Chocolat. The scene in which everyone is dining outside, under trees, with twinkly lights above, and seductively savoring each morsel.  Everyone is blissed out of their minds with good food which had been prepared carefully and lovingly. Sharing a table with good company and great food appeals to the most primal part of me.  To Do: Dinner With Daniel At 1789

I'm going to fantasize that Bob and I will be able to do this in the near future.

Monday, March 8, 2010

A new fan of Jamie Oliver (but an old fan of Mark Bittman's)

I haven't always been a big fan of Jamie Oliver. No specific reason in particular why I didn't care for him but I changed my mind after I watched this video. I really felt impressed by his drive and passion for what he believes in regard to food, children, and disease.

Now an old favorite, Mark Bittman.

Fried hard boiled eggs "Lucullian Style"

I decided to play with my food during a past snowstorm. Since the natural food store where I work sells farm fresh local eggs I had an abundance of them in the fridge. I had seen a recipe that caught my attention from Lucullian Delights which was Fried Hard Boiled Eggs and thought it sounded crazy and tasty enough to try. They were delicious!

Basically all one has to do is hard boil as many eggs as you think you may want to slice and fry. I used a shallow dish sprinkled with some dry bread crumbs and a dash of Jane's Crazy mixed up salt and then gently pressed the bread crumbs on both sides of the eggs. I used a shallow non-stick fry pan with a tinge of olive oil nicely heated through to quickly sear the lightly breaded eggs to a nice golden crust (about 3-4 minutes each side). After rummaging through the crisper in the fridge I found some organic fresh spinach and leftover olive oil/Dijon mustard dressing in the fridge door. I sensed a twist on an old spinach salad theme! After compiling everything together on one plate I have to say I was glad I tried Lucullian's recipe....even if it wasn't exactly the same.